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Selecting the right transmission repair shop in Oakland, CA. a city that prides itself on its beloved Oakland A’s franchise, can be a difficult job. Some people don’t even know where to start when deciding on what kind of shop to do the repair itself, as so many general repair shops don’t work on engines or transmissions. If you’re a citizen of Oakland, California and you need a repairman to fix your transmission, here are a few things to keep in mind.
Where to find your transmission repair shop
Rather than searching locally, where few shops exist that prices are often outrageously high, try using a metasearch as we offer. This search puts you in touch with thousands of transmission repair shops nationwide, each one of them giving you a quote in the hopes that they’ll choose you. Unlike local shops that expect you to take what you get in the area, they know that they have to fight for your business and they do: By lowering prices.
Used engines or used transmissions
Used transmission offer deep discounts and so many people choose them. If you don’t have the money to go out and buy a new car, or even a new transmission, then you can find a reputable dealer that will help you get a used or rebuilt transmission for much less than a new one. If it’s in your budget, then a new transmission is just what your car ordered.
General or specialist
A specialist in transmissions is often more knowledgeable than a general mechanic, and sometimes they will do a better job, but not always. Keep in mind that they’re also more expensive to secure. Whether you choose a general repairman or a transmission specialist, make sure that you get a full warranty on parts and labor, and make sure that you get references from them so that you can verify their past customers were satisfied with their work.